
Posts Tagged ‘The Happiness Project’

I swear I had no idea that Gretchen Rubin had this resolution idea before me! I just began reading Rubin’s book The Happiness Project for my book club. Having seen the book advertised in lightweight mags like Woman’s Day, I really didn’t think too much about it, and frankly dismissed it as chick lit. Then my husband heard Rubin interviewed on NPR right around New Year’s and told me I should check it out, that she her project greatly resembled my blog. My book club finally got its list together for the next couple of months and Rubin was at the forefront — we discuss it in a week — so, I gave in and bought a used copy. Frankly, the book is very pleasant reading. It is well-researched, citing quotes and studies from Aristotle to Malcolm Gladwell and the Dalai Lama to the Unclutterer blog. Plus, Rubin’s voice is humble, confessional without TMI, and witty. I feel like I’d enjoy having a cup of coffee with her. Rubin’s 12-month project is WAY more in-depth than mine. Yes, like me she has devoted one month to a resolution, but where I have divided my resolutions into four categories (mind, body, spirit and creativity), she has twelve categories and each category (or month) has three or four resolutions attached to them. She also likes lists. For instance there’s her Twelve Commandments list and her Secrets of Adulthood list. It’s quippy, but not overly cutesy or self-conscious so I don’t mind.

Last night – well, really this morning, around 4:30 – I had a strange case of insomnia, so I got comfortable on the couch and started reading The Happiness Project in earnest. Ironically, I read about getting more sleep being a key to accomplishing more and overall happiness. One of Rubin’s Twelve Commandments (and she doesn’t harp on this — it’s really just one page) is “Do It Now.” So, at 5:00 a.m. I set out to find my daughter’s homework buried in her backpack, trim the hair that I felt my stylist missed during our afternoon appointment, and jot down a note to buy that wedding gift I’ve had hanging over me from October. Wow, in a half hour at an ungodly time of the morning Rubin motivated me to erase a few nagging worries off of my mental list.

While I am no Gretchen Rubin and my own resolutions are modest in comparison, I think The Happiness Project will help me in my quest for more time, more organization, and more balance. More happiness, yes. My first goal towards this forward movement with all of my resolutions is to get up forty-five minutes earlier during the week.

Here’s a link to Rubin’s web page: http://www.happiness-project.com/

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